mandag 5. september 2011

info om bambus

Har nå fått noen spørsmål om hvordan bambus er økologisk eller ikke.
Det finnes mange sider der man kan finne info om bambus...
Nå finnes det to måter å utvinne råstoffet ur bambusplanten.
Den ene er gjennom koking(kemikalier) og den andre er mekanisknaturvennlig)...
mine bambus stoffer er laget med mekanisk hjelp ;)
Men dette gjør stoffene en god del dyrere...
men eg synes vi må tenke på naturen.

Chemical Processing : It is basically hydrolysis alkalization. The crushed bamboo is "cooked" with the help of Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) which is also known as caustic soda or lye into a form of regenerated cellulose fiber. Hydrolysis alkalization is then done through carbon disulfide combined with multi phase bleaching. Although chemical processing is not environmental friendly but it is preferred by many manufacturers as it is a less time consuming process.

Mechanical Processing : In this method, the crushed bamboo is treated with biologicalenzymes. This breaks the bamboo into a mushy mass and individual fibers are then combed out. Although expensive, this process is eco friendly.

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